Google Optimize is going away!

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Its Official!

Google has announced that Google Optimize and Optimize 360 will sunset on September 30, 2023.

Optimize demise may impact marketers' capacity to do A/B tests and improve the user experience of their website or app.

Together with the sunset of Universal Analytics, this demise will significantly impact marketers and businesses.

Note: If you are still using Universal Analytics, don't panic; our experts can assist you in switching to GA4.

Let's first look at what are they :

It is an online testing and personalization tool from Google that enables you to do conversion rate optimization and enhance user experience on your website. 

Google Optimize comes in two variations. The free version is called Google Optimize, and the paid version is known as Google Optimize 360.

Why is Google making this change?

Google claims that by focusing its resources on products that offer more powerful A/B testing capabilities, it would be able to better serve its customers by terminating Optimize.

In the announcement, they said, “We are focused on bringing the most effective solutions and integrations to our customers, especially as we look toward the future with Google Analytics 4.

How to Get Ready for the Sunsetting of Google Optimize?

It would be preferable if you looked into alternatives right away. Make sure it meets your requirements if you're considering switching to another testing platform. 

This should allow for integration with GA4. Since GA4 will house the upcoming version of Optimize, I hope you've already begun its implementation. And if you haven't, Start switching to GA4.

Final Words

Google Optimize has been a great tool and will not be available after September 30, 2023. Make sure to collect any information from prior campaigns as the end of September will mark the last day for users to download their data. 

Hope you found this article helpful! Contact us and we'll be pleased to assist you.


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